Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Good times pre- and post-rally

Button and sign making session - 9-11 am - November 26
Open Space Gallery, 510 Fort St., 2nd floor

Join with colleagues and friends before tomorrow's Art Matters Rally for a session of sign and button making.
Bring your favourite slogan to send a positive message to the government to Restore Arts Funding Now!

Plus, the fun continues with a post-rally gathering...
...again at Open Space. An opportunity to get together, share notes and plan for the future. The party starts immediately following Thursday's rally.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Art Matters: Restore Arts Funding Now Rally

What: "Art Matters: Restore Arts Funding Now" Rally

When: Thursday, November 26th at noon. Rain or Shine.

Where: BC Legislature Buildings- on the back steps (the front lawn is CLOSED for the season)

Who: All British Columbians Who Care About Arts and Culture

Why: The B.C. Legislature finishes its current session on Thursday November 26th. Artists and their supporters need to send one more strong show of public support for the restoration of arts funding in British Columbia before MLAs depart.

The time is now and the message is clear: Restore Arts Funding Now.

Dear Artists & Arts Supporters

As you are no doubt aware, the Provincial government has proposed a 92% cut to arts funding over the next two years. (From $47.7 million to $3.7 million) These cuts would have extremely serious ramifications throughout BC's cultural sector. They are also fiscally unwise, as by the government's own estimates every $1.00 of provincial funding spent on the arts brings back $1.36 in revenues to the provincial coffers.

The Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services issued their Report on the Budget 2010 Consultations on November 13th. The cross-party committee unanimously recommends that our government: ”Make funding of the arts a high priority in the 2010/11 budget by returning to overall actual funding levels of 2008/09.”

Positive news indeed- it seems our politicians are beginning to get the message that the arts are a wise investment, a strong industry, a vital part of our social fabric and are worthy of support. With the voices of MLA’s from both the Liberal and New Democrat parties behind this decision, the time for a positive message to all MLA’s is now and our timing is critical.

Professional artists in Victoria have already begun to organize a series of activities in support of the arts, with the clear message to all MLA’s to Restore Arts Funding Now. In addition to the rally these activities include:

* Regular, official introductions to the house by MLA’s of professional artists, students and their families who will be seated in the gallery.
* A pre-rally button- & sign-making session the morning of November 26
* A petition in support of visionary arts funding
* A post-rally party (we’re working on it)

On the heels of this positive message from the Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services, the mood of this rally will be artful and festive. Your attendance is requested, and perhaps you will agree, required. Please wear a colourful scarf. We hope to see a massive turnout for this celebratory positive farewell to our provincial politicians. A strong turnout will send a clear message and let our politicians know it is not too late to Restore Arts Funding Now.

Please circulate this widely and join the rally on November 26th for featured speakers and the launch of a petition followed by a circling of the legislature by artists and their supporters.

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For further information, to volunteer, or to be added to our email list, contact: