This petition will be presented to the Legislature when the house resumes sitting in February. As budget decisions will be made between now and then, we will be making interim reports on the progress of the petition to media, and are asking that completed sheets be returned by December 14, January 14 and February 7.
Spread the Word
Please send this petition notice out as far and wide as possible, through as many mediums as possible. We are aiming for this to go huge, very quickly--we have a short window to let the government know what the people of BC want. The success of this depends on many people sending it out, and many gathering signatures.
When you send the notice out, it would be helpful if you send a quick note back to so we can see what geographical areas and sectors are covered, and where our gaps are.
Facebook and Web: The petition and this info will be posted on the Art Matters blogspot and Facebook page during the week of December 1. Please post it on your website and facebook pages.
Gathering: We need lots of people, all over the province, to gather signatures from people from as many walks of life as possible who value the arts, and agree with the need for a visionary arts funding policy.
Please print the petition, sign it, and get as many signatures as you can. Post it in your venue, circulate it at events, in classes, and one to one with friends, family and neighbours. Find a tube and put it in your pocket and take it wherever you go. It’s an opportunity to increase understanding of the issues, and what is at stake.
We would also appreciate if people gathering signatures could drop a quick line with the heading “Gatherer” to to help us track our progress, and so we can insure that all petitions are returned.
Rules and Regs: All petitions must have original signatures in ink. There is no online petition as the House will only accept signed hard copies.
Returning petitions: Please return petitions to: Arts Petition BC: 1813 B Crescent Rd. Victoria, BC. V8S 2G7 . You can get 5 pages in a business envelope for the basic rate of 54 cents (57 cents after Jan 11).
Please send completed sheets in by December 14, January 14 and February 7.
If not us who? If not now, when?