Friday, January 22, 2010

Petition in Support of the Arts: The Home Stretch

The Petition in Support of the Arts will be presented to the Legislature Feb 10 or 11. The petition (see link below) is a comprehensive 3 year vision for arts funding in BC.

This is the last few weeks to have our say before the budget is presented.

Over 2800 signatures have been collected as of Jan. 20th. A huge thanks to all the individuals and groups involved.

How many more can we collect by Feb 9 in a wholehearted blitz? We will continue the petition after that date, and present to the House again during the spring session, but the more now the better.

The Petition
To read or print petition, click here

What can you do?

1. Spread the word: Circulate this script widely. Send it to your personal and professional networks all across BC, members of your organization, to fellow faculty members. We especially want to get it out widely in Vancouver, up Island, the Gulf Islands and the Interior. Let your Twitter followers know about this blitz. Post it on your website and facebook pages.

The petition and info are posted on the Art Matters, Victoria
Facebook page:
Search for the "Art Matters, Victoria" group from any Facebook page.

2. Collect Signatures: Print the petition from the PDF below, sign it, and get as many signatures as you can. Circulate it wherever you are--at events, classes, and one to one with friends, family and neighbours. Put it out in your venue, on your office door, in your business or in your mailbox and let your network know it is there. Drop copies off at local stores, galleries, coffee shops, let us know where they are at and collect them in time to send them in. We have included PDF's of 3 signs (see end of document) to make the display more visible.

3. Sign the petition: Even if you can’t collect signatures, print one off and mail it in—one signature is fine! Or drop in to one of the designated collections spots across the province (see below). Check our website for location, hours, and new locations as we get them. So far, in Vancouver: Pacific Cinémathèque, Vivo (formerly Video In), Firehall Arts Center, Or Gallery, MacLeod Books, The Alliance for Arts and Culture, Opus Framing (all 3 locations); in Victoria: Open Space, The Belfry, Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, MediaNet, Vancouver Island School of Art, Victoria College of Art, Opus Framing, Island Blueprint: in Kelowna: Opus Framing.

4. Be a designated collection spot: We need orgs, schools, businesses and studios who will have the petition available for people to drop in and sign. Email us and we will post it on our website. Please include address, phone number and hours of operation.

6. Become involved: The success of this depends on the involvement of many. There are plenty of ways to get involved, no matter where you live: being part of the organizing group, a contact in your area (geographical or your sector), making phone calls or doing odd jobs. And we would love to have a social media/web whiz or 2 on board.

7. Support other initiatives: “Stop BC Arts Cuts” has several excellent initiatives including a letter writing campaign. Also check out the “Alliance for Arts and Culture” who are also working on many fronts to the same ends we are.

Returning petitions: Please return in time to be received by Feb 9th for presentation to the legislature Feb 10th or 11th, and by March, April & May 15 for presentation later in the spring session. Return to: Arts Petition BC: 1813 B Crescent Rd. Victoria, BC. V8S 2G7.

Rules and Regs: All petitions MUST be on the petition form, and have original signatures in ink. The House will only accept signed hard copies. Signers do NOT have to be 18 years of age.

Contact us:

Sign Number 1: click here

Sign Number 2: click here

The Petition: click here

If not us, who? If not now, when?

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